Over 35 years of selling emergency lighting
Emergency Lighting has over 35 years of providing exit signs, emergency lights, inverters and batteries for use in commercial, industrial and government buildings. We have sold products to all branches of the US Armed Forces (here & abroad), NASA, museums, hotels, malls, sporting facilities and more.
Emergency Lighting's staff is constantly researching building safety products from a wide variety of lighting suppliers. We sell lighting solutions from AstraLite, Beghelli, Best Lighting, Dual-lite/Hubbell, Emergi-lite, Espen Technology, Fulham, Lithonia, Mule, Philips Chloride and many more.
If you are searching for an emergency light or exit sign battery, we purchase the highest mAh High Temperature NiCad batteries available to produce a wide selection of emergency battery packs to meet or exceed emergency requirements.
Emergency Lighting as access to a large selection of
Buy American Act (BAA) compliant emergency light products. If you can't find what you are looking for on our site we will help you find a BAA compliant product to suit your needs.